Presented by:Jordan Thayer
AI has captured the attention of the world—for better or worse. Hype, noise, and fear are dominating the headlines, with a huge focus on ChatGPT and its competitors. Today, most of us are being asked to do something with AI; and if not today, then tomorrow. Quite simply, AI is going to touch on every part of our jobs soon enough. However, most of us aren’t AI researchers. It’s not our specialty. That’s ok! We’re asked to do things we aren’t specialists in every day. We can leverage the skills we’ve developed to accelerate our learning of AI. The gap isn’t nearly as large as it may seem at first. In this talk, we will provide a broad overview of the field, through the lens of five areas where AI is commonly used: * Making sense of the physical world * Structuring unstructured/unformatted data to be machinable * Predicting trends and group membership * Building plans and strategies * Generating media for human consumption For each application area, we'll be looking at the underlying subfields of AI that seek to address it, discuss the common pitfalls and best practices in that space, and introduce tools that you can use to solve those problems today.
Level: Introductory and overviewTags:AI & ML